BU Schedules

Creates images of all possible schedules with classes you input

Table of Contents


Download this zip file
Extract it and it’s ready to be started



When you first start the program, you need to set a username. This is so you can make multiple sets of classes. First start highlighting Set Username toolbar button

Adding classes

Then you need to add the classes you want in the Main Classes tab and Other Classes tab.

Example, I have a Main Class (lecture) as follows

Semester College Department Course Sections
FALL 18 CAS MA 100 A1

so I can have an Other Class (discussion) as follows

Semester College Department Course Sections Same as Main
FALL 18 CAS MA 100 A2-5 True

Note: Only the sections are different

The Same as Main field specifies if the sections of the Other Class need to have the same letter as its Main Class ie. an ‘A’ section Main Class can only have an ‘A’ section Other Class

You can edit one class at a time and remove multiple classes at a time. To select multiple classes, hold CTRL while selecting or select one and hold shift and then select another to select all files in between.


A sections need to start with a letter and can have letters and numbers after
To add multiple sections of the same course


I generated the schedules but when I open the folder, nothing is there

As the schedules are generated, it should say printing schedule ## in the text box. If there is no such text, no schedules were generated. You should check your classes.
If you have a Main Class like this

Semester College Department Course Sections
FALL 18 CAS MA 100 A1

and an Other corresponding class like this

Semester College Department Course Sections Same as Main
FALL 18 CAS MA 100 B2-5 True

you won’t get any schedules because the Other Class has the Same as Main as True which means it won’t be able to fit in the Other Class in any schedule the program tries

How do I add a class with a lecture, a discussion and a lab? Can you explain the Same as Main column?

Main Classes

Semester College Department Course Sections

Other Classes

Semester College Department Course Sections Same as Main
FALL 18 CAS CH 203 B0-9,C0-9 True
FALL 18 CAS CH 203 F1-9 False

Here, the BA,CA sections are the lectures, the B0-9,C0-9 sections are discussions which are to have the same letter as the lecture (so if the program is finding schedules with the BA section, it won’t try to add the C0-9 sections, only the B0-9)
And the F1-9 sections are the labs

I clicked Add Class but the semester or college I want is not there

If you do not see a semester or college, click the Update Options button in the toolbar Update Option button in toolbar highlighted

Contact Me

You can email me for any help, bugs or suggestions at usama8800@gmail.com